# Navigation
While PHPScraper is mostly intended to parse websites and collect information, you can also use it to navigate websites. Below are examples of ways to surf around a website.
# Navigation using URLs
You can navigate to any URL. These URLs usually come from the parsed links.
$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;
// We start on test page #1.
// Print the title to see if we actually at the right page...
echo $web->h1[0]; // 'Page #1'
// We navigate to the test page #2 using the absolute URL.
// Print the title to see if we actually at the right page...
echo $web->h1[0]; // 'Page #2'
# Navigation using Anchor Texts
On a website you can click on links using their anchor texts:
$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;
// We start on test page #1.
* This page contains:
* <a href="2.html">2 relative</a>
// Print the title to see if we actually at the right page...
echo $web->h1[0]; // 'Page #1'
// We navigate to the test page #2 using the text it has on the page.
$web->clickLink('2 relative');
// Print the title to see if we actually at the right page...
echo $web->h1[0]; // 'Page #2'
This basic functionality should allow you to navigate websites.