# Outline Extraction

While you might only want to access the headings, for example, the number of headings it might not always be enough. In some cases, you might need to identify the actual structure of the content. For these use cases you might want to consider one of these methods:

  • outline works similar as the previously mentioned headings method. It also returns all headings, but it keeps the structure of the original document in place and provides the heading levels (e.g. h1) alone with the output.

  • outlineWithParagraphs works similar as outline does, the difference is that this call also includes the paragraphs.

  • cleanOutlineWithParagraphs works similar as outlineWithParagraphs does, the difference any empty HTML tags are removed.

The following examples should help to understand the functionality better. There are dedicated methods for keyword extraction available.

# Extract the Outline

The outline of the content allows you build an index of the document. The following example builds a markdown version of the headings in the requested document:

$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;

 * Navigate to the test page. This page contains:
 * <h1>We are testing here!</h1>
 * [...]
 * <h2>Examples</h2>
 * [...]
 * <h3>Example 1</h3>
 * [...]
 * <h3>Example 2</h3>
 * [...]
 * <h3>Example 3</h3>
 * [...]

 * $outline will be set to contains:
 * [
 *    [
 *      "tag" => "h1",
 *      "content" =>  "We are testing here!"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h2",
 *      "content" => "Examples"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 1"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 2"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 3"
 *    ]
 * ]
$outline = $web->outline;

# Extract the Outline with Paragraphs

The following method works in a similar manner as outline, but it also includes any paragraphs as part of the returned array:

$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;

 * Navigate to the test page. This page contains:
 * <h1>We are testing here!</h1>
 * <p>This page contains an example structure to be parsed. It comes with a number of headings and nested paragraphs as an scrape example.</p>
 * <h2>Examples</h2>
 * <p>There are numerous examples on the website. Please check them out to get more context on how scraping works.</p>
 * <h3>Example 1</h3>
 * <p>Here would be an example.</p>
 * <h3>Example 2</h3>
 * <p>Here would be the second example.</p>
 * <h3>Example 3</h3>
 * <p>Here would be another example.</p>
 * <!-- an empty paragraph to check if it gets filtered out correctly -->
 * <p></p>

$content = $web->outlineWithParagraphs;
 * $content now contains:
 * [
 *    [
 *      "tag" => "h1",
 *      "content" =>  "We are testing here!"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "This page contains an example structure to be parsed. It comes with a number of headings and nested paragraphs as an scrape example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h2",
 *      "content" => "Examples"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "There are numerous examples on the website. Please check them out to get more context on how scraping works."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 1"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "Here would be an example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 2"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "Here would be the second example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 3"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "Here would be another example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => ""
 *    ]
 * ]

# Extract the cleaned up Outline with Paragraphs

The following method works in a similar manner as outlineWithParagraphs, but it doesn't include any empty empty headings or paragraphs as part of the returned array:

$web = new \Spekulatius\PHPScraper\PHPScraper;

 * Navigate to the test page. This page contains:
 * <h1>We are testing here!</h1>
 * <p>This page contains an example structure to be parsed. It comes with a number of headings and nested paragraphs as an scrape example.</p>
 * <h2>Examples</h2>
 * <p>There are numerous examples on the website. Please check them out to get more context on how scraping works.</p>
 * <h3>Example 1</h3>
 * <p>Here would be an example.</p>
 * <h3>Example 2</h3>
 * <p>Here would be the second example.</p>
 * <h3>Example 3</h3>
 * <p>Here would be another example.</p>
 * <!-- an empty paragraph to check if it gets filtered out correctly -->
 * <p></p>

$content = $web->cleanOutlineWithParagraphs;
 * $content now contains:
 * [
 *    [
 *      "tag" => "h1",
 *      "content" =>  "We are testing here!"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "This page contains an example structure to be parsed. It comes with a number of headings and nested paragraphs as an scrape example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h2",
 *      "content" => "Examples"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "There are numerous examples on the website. Please check them out to get more context on how scraping works."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 1"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "Here would be an example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 2"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "Here would be the second example."
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "h3",
 *      "content" => "Example 3"
 *    ], [
 *      "tag" => "p",
 *      "content" => "Here would be another example."
 *    ]
 * ]